5 minute read

Last year, I scraped data from more than 1 million D&D character sheets from online sources, storing them in a SQLite database. The project was both for my own curiosity, and because I wanted to get some more hands-on practice using SQL. Just storing the data required learning how to use SQLAlchemy, which was worth the time on its own.

Anyways, now I have a big database of D&D characters, from which you can extract all sorts of fun insights. This notebook shows the most common race and class pairings.

import sqlite3

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Connect to the database
con = sqlite3.connect("../../db/main_11-30-21.db")

The query below extracts just the class and race from each character. Due to the way the data was coded, a case statement is necessary to disentangle subraces. It also filters out homebrew classes and class names that contain a parenthesis, which are usually unearthed arcana classes, designated by (UA).

query = '''

    classes.charId AS charId,
        WHEN r.isSubRace = 1 THEN
        END raceName
FROM classes
    LEFT JOIN characterSheet cs ON classes.charId = cs.Id
    LEFT JOIN race r ON cs.raceId = r.Id
    LEFT JOIN classDefinition cd ON classes.classDefinitionId = cd.Id
    cs.raceID IS NOT NULL 
    AND r.isHomebrew = 0
    AND cd.isHomebrew = 0
    AND NOT raceName LIKE '%(%'
ORDER BY charId;

df = pd.read_sql_query(query, con)
charId classLevel className raceName
0 2510 2 Wizard Elf
1 2778 1 Warlock Tiefling
2 2806 3 Druid Genasi
3 2903 11 Monk Elf
4 2988 1 Monk Dragonborn
... ... ... ... ...
1041035 52414131 6 Paladin Half-Elf
1041036 52414131 9 Sorcerer Half-Elf
1041037 52414131 5 Warlock Half-Elf
1041038 52414159 18 Druid Warforged
1041039 52414174 1 Rogue Aarakocra

1041040 rows × 4 columns

There are more rows than unique characters. This is because of multiclassed characters, which get a row for each unique class. I’ll leave the data as-is and count each unique class for each character a separate time.


We’ll limit ourselves to just the 12 most common races and classes, for a more manageable visualization.

n = 12
class_filter = list(df.className.value_counts()[:n].index)
race_filter = list(df.raceName.value_counts()[:n].index)
df = df[df.className.isin(class_filter) & df.raceName.isin(race_filter)]
charId classLevel className raceName
0 2510 2 Wizard Elf
1 2778 1 Warlock Tiefling
2 2806 3 Druid Genasi
3 2903 11 Monk Elf
4 2988 1 Monk Dragonborn
... ... ... ... ...
1041032 52414003 1 Rogue Elf
1041034 52414055 6 Barbarian Dragonborn
1041035 52414131 6 Paladin Half-Elf
1041036 52414131 9 Sorcerer Half-Elf
1041037 52414131 5 Warlock Half-Elf

853527 rows × 4 columns

To get counts of race-class pairings, pd.crosstab() can do the trick. Then I’ll express each value as a proportion of the total, then sort the columns by column sum and rows by row sum.

tab = pd.crosstab(df.className, df.raceName)
tab = tab / tab.sum(axis=0).sum()
tab = tab[tab.sum().sort_values(ascending=False).index] # order columns
tab = tab.loc[tab.sum(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False).index] # order rows
raceName Human Elf Half-Elf Tiefling Dragonborn Dwarf Halfling Half-Orc Aasimar Genasi Goliath Gnome
Fighter 0.046209 0.013641 0.007308 0.004413 0.012009 0.012068 0.003273 0.009552 0.003289 0.004169 0.008568 0.002104
Rogue 0.026011 0.027433 0.013677 0.010282 0.004773 0.002703 0.014878 0.002392 0.002129 0.004376 0.001277 0.005129
Wizard 0.023684 0.021548 0.007328 0.005596 0.004147 0.002791 0.002698 0.001203 0.002036 0.003606 0.000965 0.010133
Barbarian 0.014192 0.002970 0.001577 0.002313 0.009702 0.010622 0.002471 0.016702 0.001907 0.002701 0.016979 0.002000
Cleric 0.020795 0.011510 0.007037 0.004647 0.004334 0.014367 0.003281 0.002573 0.006887 0.003699 0.001943 0.002587
Paladin 0.019423 0.005600 0.007600 0.004853 0.013997 0.006096 0.001425 0.004592 0.010450 0.002214 0.004360 0.000935
Warlock 0.016376 0.008866 0.012703 0.017114 0.005292 0.001707 0.002131 0.001964 0.006857 0.003223 0.001224 0.001947
Sorcerer 0.013764 0.011463 0.012260 0.011004 0.008352 0.001740 0.002132 0.001201 0.005480 0.005096 0.000941 0.001823
Bard 0.014830 0.008661 0.015823 0.009915 0.003544 0.002742 0.006547 0.002059 0.003338 0.002853 0.001227 0.003236
Ranger 0.015950 0.025400 0.008815 0.003120 0.003666 0.002689 0.003768 0.002342 0.001547 0.002949 0.001454 0.002187
Druid 0.009741 0.019025 0.006246 0.004015 0.003322 0.003475 0.003380 0.001959 0.001846 0.005482 0.001582 0.003496
Monk 0.015640 0.010230 0.003917 0.002897 0.003794 0.002294 0.003960 0.002447 0.002225 0.004839 0.002595 0.001534

Now, let’s make a heatmap.

dims = (11.7, 8.27)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=dims)
cmap = sns.cm.rocket_r
heatmap = sns.heatmap(
title = ax.set_title('Race and Class Proportions in ~1 Million D&D Characters')
ylabel = ax.set_ylabel('Race')
xlabel = ax.set_xlabel('Class')


There’s a lot of fun information packed in this little graphic. For example, human fighters make up almost 5% – 1 in 20 – of all D&D characters in the dataset. Islands of heat show pairings that are especially popular: elf rogue, goliath barbarian, tiefling warlock.

Also, some races seem to have greater class diversity than others. Goliath are often barbarians and halflings are often rogues, but genasi seem more “spread out” among a variety of classes (probably due to the fact that they have a variety of subrace options).

An easy way to express this quantitatively is with the Gini index. In effect, we can measure the internal “inequality” of the population of each race.

There are a million Gini implementations out there, but I’ll use a concise one I found on stackexchange.

def gini(x, w=None):
    # Array indexing requires reset indexes.
    x = pd.Series(x).reset_index(drop=True)
    if w is None:
        w = np.ones_like(x)
    w = pd.Series(w).reset_index(drop=True)
    n = x.size
    wxsum = sum(w * x)
    wsum = sum(w)
    sxw = np.argsort(x)
    sx = x[sxw] * w[sxw]
    sw = w[sxw]
    pxi = np.cumsum(sx) / wxsum
    pci = np.cumsum(sw) / wsum
    g = 0.0
    for i in np.arange(1, n):
        g = g + pxi.iloc[i] * pci.iloc[i - 1] - pci.iloc[i] * pxi.iloc[i - 1]
    return g

Now we can just apply this along each column, and sort.

race_gini = tab.apply(gini).sort_values()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=dims)
ax = sns.barplot(
ax.set_title('Class-wise Gini Coefficient of D&D Races', fontsize=16)
ylabel = ax.set_ylabel('Race', fontsize=14)
Text(0, 0.5, 'Race')


There you have it: D&D races sorted by class diversity. Genasi and humans have the most class variety, whereas half-orcs and goliaths are more homogenous.

The Goliath spot is not so surprising, though going into this I would have guessed tieflings would be more homogenous. I guess warlocks don’t dominate the ranks of tieflings as much as barbarians do for goliaths.